Notebook Resources

Cover Materials

Cover Materials

‘To judge a book by its cover’ is a phrase we’re familiar with telling ourselves not to do, however when it comes down to an actual book, or notebook in this instance, we know that the cover counts. Obviously there is a lot more to your book than it’s cover, but it helps if that cover is a fine Italian leather or a silk touch that you will be stroking for days.

There are hundreds of possibilities when it comes to choosing a materials and as makers of completely bespoke products we are happy to explore any unique ideas you may have. But in terms of stocked or common material there are are some basic choices. Leather, which has many variation in itself, from the grain and quality to the finish. Leather Alternatives such as Faux and Vegan leather, which provide buyers with cheaper and at times more ethical alternatives to leather. Cloth, the most traditional of materials, commonly associated with traditional bookbinding. And lastly card, which is both the lightest and cheapest of the options.