Alternative Binding

The Ring Bound and Wrap Around are great alternatives to your more traditional binding styles. The styles enable you utilise the spine of the notebook in a less rigid way to your ordinary notebook. Both book styles offer an alternative to your familiar hardcover notebook, allowing flexibility and a personal feel.

Ring Bound

The ring bound style of binding is very simple yet effective. Spiral and ring-bound books are ideal for sketching and notetaking because the spiral allows the pages to be removed, flipped through quickly and the whole book to be laid flat. The ring bound enables you to pick and mix your paper styles, colours, materials in any order you like –  because it is not a traditional bookblock, it is highly customisable and flexible. Often this style of notebook is slightly larger than standard sizing to allow space for perforation of the pages, enabling you to perfectly remove your paper at a standard size, for example, A4. The spiral can be placed landscape for an artist’s sketchbook style of book, or on top of the book for a more journalist, flip book style. Spirals also come in a range of widths and colours to truly personalise your ring bound notebook.

Wrap Around

If you’re looking for a traditional Italian style, a luxurious wrap-around journal is for you. Forget taking notes on your laptop- the wrap around is an absolute classic with a very tactile feel which makes you want to put pen to paper. Taking cues from the beautiful journals found in Italy, we can manufacture these luscious notebooks for you from real Italian leather straight from the Tuscan tanneries.