Singer Sewn

Singer Sewn binding is recognisable by its stitched spine, which allows for the notebook to lie flat once opened.  They are one of the most simplest bindings, yet have a modern and stylish aesthetic. Very similar to saddle stitching, except thread is used to stitch the pages together rather than them being stapled. Depending on the requirements for the book, this has a few advantages over saddle stitching.

Why Singer Sewn?

Singer sewn books tend to be more secure than saddle stitched, due to the number of stitches down the spine which can total around 40. They are also more customisable and therefore allows for more creativity, as you can choose the specific colour of the thread to complement or contrast the cover colour. Equally, you can match the brand colours to create a seamless look between the cover and thread.

Singer sewn binding is a simplistic, yet stylish way of bringing a project together and it’s unfussy nature creates a clean finish. Usually singer sewn binding is done on machines similar to a sewing machine, which hold the pages tightly together and sews them together either through the spine or through the folio.

The advantages to singer sewn is that the notebook is able to open flat and each of the pages is very securely stitched. The stitches can also be left hanging at either end for a more rustic look, or they can be cut clean for a more polished look.

One of the most appealing thing about this type of binding is that it uses no adhesives or staples, maintaining a hand bound quality.

hand holding black singer-sewn softcover journal

Case Study: The Culture Journal

This Singer Sewn bound notebook for has a faux leather cover finish, blue stitching down the spine, with screen-printed white text on the front. Acting as a journal, this type of binding lends itself perfectly to a book which is malleable and flexible so it can follow you around everywhere you go.