Inside Page Artwork

When preparing artwork for printing, it’s crucial to use professional software like Adobe InDesign, which is tailored for print layouts. This software simplifies setting up documents in a spread format and includes features critical for print preparation such as bleed, trim marks, and color management.

Understanding Bleeds and Trims

Bleeds are essential in print design, allowing images to extend to the very edge of the paper without white borders appearing after trimming. Typically, a bleed of 3mm is added to each side of the page layout. This extra space is trimmed off in the final binding process, ensuring a seamless edge.

Color Management

For print materials, it’s necessary to convert all colors to CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black), the standard color model for printing. This differs from RGB (Red, Green, and Blue), which is used for digital displays and can produce discrepancies in color when printed. Within Adobe software, you can adjust color channels to ensure accuracy and consistency in your print output.

Paper Types and Ink Absorption

The type of paper chosen for a journal can dramatically affect how colors appear in the final product. Uncoated papers, for example, absorb more ink and can mute colors, while coated gloss papers provide a more vibrant, sharp finish. Understanding these differences is vital for achieving the desired visual impact.

Prototyping and Final Adjustments

It’s advisable to print test copies of your design on the intended paper to see how the colors and textures manifest physically. Many screens are not calibrated for print, so colors might look different on paper than they do on your monitor. Iterative testing and adjusting based on these prototypes can help refine the final product.

Exporting Your Design

Once your design meets all specifications, exporting it as a print-ready PDF is the final step. This file should include all bleed and trim marks and be formatted according to your printer’s requirements.


By adhering to these guidelines, you can ensure that your journal designs are optimized for professional printing, leading to a high-quality product that meets your aesthetic and functional expectations.